Strength and Conditioning / 1:1 PT

Exercise is vital to remain fit and healthy throughout all stages of life. Strength training consists of a variety of exercise to build strength, endurance, mobility, stability and cardiovascular fitness.

Woman doing a front squat with a weighted barbell

If you could do one thing to improve your health, strength training should be at the top of your list. It involves using one or more muscle groups to perform a specific task, such as lifting a weight or squatting. Due to the growing body of evidence supporting its many benefits, strength training has become a fundamental part of most exercise programs. At Evolve Physio Clinic, our commitment to strength and conditioning extends beyond traditional rehabilitation. We are dedicated to helping you achieve your optimal physical potential and lead lives enriched with movement, vitality, and resilience.

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Frequently asked questions

  • Your therapist will complete a thorough assessment followed by treatment and a treatment plan. We aim to provide clarity about your problem and how we plan to resolve it. After your appointment you will be sent a follow up email with your exercises so you have no doubts about what you are doing between appointments.

  • You should wear loose-fitting clothes that are easy to move in. If your problem is hip down, a pair of shorts would be ideal. If you have a shoulder problem a sports bra or vest would be ideal.

  • Yes, there is a car park behind the clinic with 3 hours free parking.