Sports Massage

Sports massage is a deep tissue massage technique which is aimed at improving soft tissue mobility in individuals who engage in regular exercise. It helps to promote recovery, reduce muscle soreness and reduce risk of injury. It is also great for releasing tension built up in desk-based workers and stress!

Sports massage can effectively alleviate muscle tension and soreness caused by intense physical activity as well as the demands of day-to-day life. By applying targeted pressure and manipulation techniques, we can help improve circulation and reduce muscle tightness, promoting quicker recovery after strenuous workouts. Enhancing flexibility and improving the range of motion in our patients is crucial, by addressing muscle imbalances, promoting proper tissue healing, and improving your biomechanics, sports massage can contribute to reducing the risk of sports-related injuries.

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Frequently asked questions

  • Your therapist will complete a thorough assessment followed by treatment and a treatment plan. We aim to provide clarity about your problem and how we plan to resolve it. After your appointment you will be sent a follow up email with your exercises so you have no doubts about what you are doing between appointments.

  • You should wear loose-fitting clothes that are easy to move in. If your problem is hip down, a pair of shorts would be ideal. If you have a shoulder problem a sports bra or vest would be ideal.

  • Yes, there is a car park behind the clinic with 3 hours free parking.